
Diving on the Streets of London!

Commercial and Specialised Diving were called in to carry out a job in a rather unusual situation this month.  It meant we were literally diving on the streets of London!

A fountain in a community square was not functioning properly and investigation revealed that a new pump needed to be installed. The pump was located in a tank beneath the pavement – access through the manhole cover was pretty tight and the space in the tank confined. Our divers had the new pump installed in no time at all, and the residents were once again able to enjoy the spectacle of their fountain in full working order.

All of Commercial & Specialised Diving’s divers are confined space trained and are often asked to carry out work in difficult environments and confined spaces – from deep sea and rivers to tanks and culverts, but this one was a first!

Square with fountain out of order
Square with fountain out of order
Diver on the street
Diver on the street
Confined access to fountain pump
Confined access to fountain pump
Fountain back in working order
Fountain back in working order