
Circular Pile Repairs

The inspection of underwater structures is often overlooked but is extremely important. This is because it helps to highlight any issues with the structure -some of which might need urgent attention.  You could have extensive damage below the waterline without noticing it from the surface!

Extensive circular pile inspection, and repair, was carried out recently by Commercial and Specialised Diving. The operation started critically with the inspection of the piles and the identification of any damage.


In this instance, it was identified that a number of piles were severely corroded, which was extremely concerning. Once the level of damage was recognised, Commercial and Specialised Diving assisted in the repair of the piles as a cost-effective alternative to replacing them.

This involved cleaning all the affected areas. Then welding and fixing large metal jackets around these corroded sections. In order to strengthen each pile they were subsequently back filled with concrete. The project was completed on time, on budget and to our client’s satisfaction.


Should you or your company require specialised underwater inspection and repair work for any upcoming project, contact Commercial and Specialised Diving for guidance on 01202 580007