If you are getting complaints about feet being cut in your swimming pool then chances are this is due to recessed grout exposing sharp tile edges.
Recessed swimming pool grout isn’t just a health and safety risk, it can also put the structural integrity of your swimming pool at risk. Water can penetrate behind the tiles and lead to tiles debonding.
Re-grouting your swimming pool doesn’t only stop cut feet it also contributes to the overall look and aesthetics of you pool making it more appealing to pool users.
Our swimming pool grade underwater epoxy grout is highly water resistant which helps prevents any leaks. Traditional pool grout can absorb water overtime leading to potential issues like cracking.
Commercial & Specialised Diving offer nationwide underwater swimming pool grout replacement to keep your pool open and safe from cut feet.
Contact us today if you are experiencing grout issues – 01202 580007
With 30+ years experience in the swimming pool sector we are specialists in conducting underwater swimming pool repairs without the expense and inconvenience of draining, re-filling, re-heating and re-dosing your pool.
Our highly skilled diving technicians can tile, grout, drill, grind, survey, clean, and repair your pool from under the water.
This allows you to comply with HSE requirements, whilst minimising the impact on your swimming pool users.
We have a wealth of knowledge from our experience to ensure the most cost effective solutions are provided.
Address: Units 7 & 8 Barnes Business Park, Barrack Road Ferndown, Dorset BH22 8UB
Email: info@specialised-diving.co.uk
Phone: 01202 580007
Phone: 07885 941969 (24hr)
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