Balance Tank Cleaning & Inspections

Balance Tank Cleaning

A balance tank is an important component in the swimming pool system, it helps manage water levels and maintain proper circulation. 

A suitable cleaning and maintenance programme should be followed, specific to the size and design of your balance tank, to improve water quality and optimize circulation.

Overtime sediment from the pool can settle on the bottom of the balance tank leading to water quality issues. 

The PWTAG recommendation is that your balance tank should be inspected and cleaned at least once per annum. All debris is removed and surfaces are washed / flushed down with chlorinated water. This helps to prevent any build up and maintains optimal water quality.

Balance tanks are classed as confined spaces and they should only be entered by trained confined space technicians.

Our experienced confined space teams can perform balance tank cleans throughout the UK to ensure your balance tank is fully compliant and safe for all swimmers.




Balance tank

Debris as found

Balance tank on completion

Why Use Us?

With 30+ years experience in the swimming pool sector we are specialists in conducting underwater swimming pool repairs without the expense and inconvenience of draining, re-filling, re-heating and re-dosing your pool.

Our highly skilled diving technicians can tile, grout, drill, grind, survey, clean, and repair your pool from under the water.

This allows you to comply with HSE requirements, whilst minimising the impact on your swimming pool users.

We have a wealth of knowledge from our experience to ensure the most cost effective solutions are provided.