
Cofferdam Removal – Underwater Burning

Commercial and Specialised Diving are called in to carry out Cofferdam removals countrywide.

Cofferdams are temporary enclosures, typically constructed of mild steel sheet piles, to allow work to be carried out in areas that would normally be submerged. Once in place, the watertight enclosures are pumped out to create dry working environments for construction, maintenance and repair. Once the works have been completed the area inside the cofferdam is re-flooded and the now redundant cofferdam needs to be removed – and that’s when Commercial & Specialised Diving’s expertise is called upon.

The sheet piles are removed by underwater burning – a skilled operation that we excel at. Underwater burning requires experienced operators to utilise oxy-arc cutting equipment which cuts steel by creating an arc between the metal to be cut and the electrode, with temperatures reaching in excess of 2000°C.

With 100% client satisfaction – our burning record speaks for itself!

Cofferdam in place in Portland Harbour
Cofferdam in place in Portland Harbour
Construction of a slipway insside a cofferdam
Construction of a slipway inside a cofferdam
Completing removal of cofferdam
CSD carry out underwater burning to enable successful removal of cofferdam