Swimming pools need to be able to move and are constructed with ‘expansion joints’ to enable this to happen. Temperature changes will make the concrete tank expand or contract, as will weight differences within the pool according to how much water is in it. High water tables can also place pressure on a swimming pool tank, as the ground dries out in the summer and tries to float the tank (like a boat) during the winter when the ground is water logged.
Whenever a pool is drained, care must be taken to ensure any changes in temperature or weight are made over a long period of time. This allows the tiles and the concrete tank to expand or contract at the same time. If they expand at different rates the tile adhesive can fail causing tiles to fall off.
However, if the worst does happen and you find tiles have failed after draining your pool, do not despair. Our divers can fix the tiles underwater without the need to re-drain your swimming pool. This will help you to save on the cost of filling, re-heating and providing chemicals for the water.
Commercial and Specialised Diving are experts at tiling underwater, allowing you to keep your pool open to minimise your down time.
If you have a project that requires our help, please do not hesitate to give us a call on 01202 580007.