Underwater Glass Removal

Swimming Pool Glass Clean

If you have glass in your swimming pool the instant reaction that most pool operators have is to drain the swimming pool, however, this is exactly what you should not do.

Broken glass is a major cutting hazard in pools as it is extremely difficult to see. It lies on the bottom of the pool floor waiting for an unsuspecting foot to tread on it. If this happens, and the person is injured, the pool owner will be liable for claims in damages against them.
It isn’t just the large razor sharp shards that can harm you! Tiny glass splinters or shards can penetrate skin very easily, especially after the skin has been softened though immersion in water.
The first steps you should follow if glass enteres your pool
1. Close the pool to swimmers to prevent injuries.
2. Turn off the circulation to stop glass cirulating the system.
3. Contact qualified divers to conduct glass clean.
There are many different ways glass can enter the pool, even if preventative safeguards have been followed by designers.
  • Broken sauna door
  • Broken steam room door
  • Broken pool window
  • Smashed bottle on poolside


Glass as found

Glass as found

Diver removing glass

Why Use Us?

With 30+ years experience in the swimming pool sector we are specialists in conducting underwater swimming pool repairs without the expense and inconvenience of draining, re-filling, re-heating and re-dosing your pool.

Our highly skilled diving technicians can tile, grout, drill, grind, survey, clean, and repair your pool from under the water.

This allows you to comply with HSE requirements, whilst minimising the impact on your swimming pool users.

We have a wealth of knowledge from our experience to ensure the most cost effective solutions are provided.