
Underwater Concrete Repair Work

Underwater concreting is widely used in today’s marine and inland waterway construction industries in the stabilisation of various structures and in erosion areas such as piers, foreshores, harbours and tidal zones. Inevitably, due to environmental factors or to an unsuccessful pouring, concrete repairs are required.

Commercial & Specialised Diving have the skill to carry out the remedial concreting work and have a wide range of experience in its application. For example, harbour entrances and canal beds can be exposed and damaged by propeller wash. These can be protected and repaired by filling stabilisation mattresses with a concrete grout mixture which acts as a blanket preventing erosion. Other repair work carried out by CSD includes underpinning quayside walls, reinforcing shuttering, pier and pylon footings, ramps and slipways.

The technique of pouring concrete underwater and the filling of grout mattresses requires careful pre-planning and the use of the correct grout or concrete mix for the task is critical to a successful outcome.

Well placed concrete pours carried out underwater can be equivalent to the same pours carried out topside in strength and longevity – and Commercial & Specialised Diving are well

CSD Diver Carrying out underwater concrete repairs
CSD Diver Carrying out underwater concrete repairs